Hello and good day (or night) everyone. I am sure a lot of you have noticed us saying what we are thankful for with the city. I had kept hearing about this place from a friend and at first had hesitated to come but eventually decided to give it a shot before I left SL…yes, … [ Continue Reading ]
Articles By Mia
Mia’s Chi Tau Story
For years, I had been jumping back and forth between sims, even had changed avatars once (Mia is my second one, the first is long gone) trying to find something new and exciting to do, I was ready to give up on SL entirely, at least for a while. Then in May of 2019, after … [ Continue Reading ]
Rumors at Chi Tau
Good morning, noon, night, everyone, whatever time of day it is, I hope it is a great day.: Just a quick thing that has come to our attention, rumors about people in Chi Tau, I’d like to start by mentioning that any sort of rumors, no matter how insignificant, may have a lasting and very … [ Continue Reading ]