It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
A Tale of Two Cities
Charles Dickens

Ok, so that might be a little bit melodramatic, but you can’t argue with the classics. What can be more classic than a tail of two kitties?

The first kitty tail is the tale of Trasee Darkwatch, the snow leopardess. Two years ago, her sister, Rose, introduced her to Ancilla and Cum Slut Sorority. Trasee wasn’t used to being thought of as a slut, let alone a cum slut. Yes, she did enjoy having sex at times, but being called, or even thought of, as a slut, was a bit disconcerting. Trasee was afraid to be a part of something that was so direct in terms of actually being a cum slut. What would others think? Then there was the achievement list. Trasee looked that over and thought that there was absolutely no way she’d do most of those. She wasn’t forward at all, and everything was so over-the-top, she was afraid to even try anything. There were a few on the list that she saw that could be obtained fairly easily, but the thought of moving past Freshman was beyond her. Her sister, though, encouraged her, as did Ancilla. So, Trasee’s journey into the world of cum sluts began, with much fear and trepidation.

The second kitty tail is the tale of TD-24651, the cybernetic snow leopardess, also known as Trasee Darque. In the course of a two year period of time, Trasee Darkwatch became closer to Ancilla. Ancilla, Rose, and Trasee decided to expand Cum Slut Sorority and build a city around it. They also brought over Trasee’s club, Darkwolf Lounge, which had been renamed Stray Cat Lounge. The city grew and with it the sisters and the staff to help keep the place running. More close friendships were formed, and Trasee slowly worked on her achievements. Trasee never saw herself graduating. Unlike Trasee Darkwatch, Trasee Darque had come to embrace being a slut. Despite that, she still had difficulties approaching people, or even seeing herself doing some of the work required to graduate. Despite all that, on Sunday, November 3, after two years in the Sorority, she had graduated.

Trasee Darkwatch evolved over time into Trasee Darque. Two kitties with the same tail. She did so with the help of her wife, Ancilla. She did so with the help of her Miss, Miss Muse. She did so with the help of many of her sisters in the Sorority. The encouragement and the friendliness helped her in so many ways. It may have taken two years, but stories aren’t written in a day.

Why do I write this? It certainly isn’t to bring attention to me. It is written to show my sisters that they too can graduate if they want to. As I was told, it isn’t about the achievements, it’s about the journey. It’s about having fun along the way. Whether you speed through the achievements or take your time, just have fun. Remember, it isn’t a contest, it’s a way to have fun. If you don’t see yourself advancing, don’t get discouraged, just have fun. Enjoy your sisters, enjoy the guests, enjoy your time in the city. The rest will come in time. I did “force” it a few times, which, in hindsight, I certainly don’t recommend. It takes away from the fun and puts the emphasis in the wrong place.

So to all my sisters out there! Have fun, because that’s what we’re really about.

With love,
