I am afraid that due to the stress to the sim of having so many online boards in one area, I will be removing the online boards from the train station.
It is with a heavy heart that I do this, as I love having all you wonderful girls on display for the guests.
Instead, I will be creating a page showing all of you here on the blog!
This is a lot of work for me, so I will not be updating it in real time, but I will be keeping up on it at least once a month, if not more often.
I will be using Profile pictures for the page, so if you would prefer a different picture, please contact me and get me a picture to use.
Unfortunately, that means we won’t have the “online” indicators anymore, however… there is still the sorority slut hotline in front of the sorority house, so if you want the boys to know when you’re online please sign up in the hotline.
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns!!